Charlotte Berglin

Charlotte Berglin directed her first documentary film at the age of 19, in collaboration with Film i Väst and SVT. The film, I barndomens spegel (In the Mirror of Childhood), was broadcast on SVT in the fall of 2000. Between 2000 and 2002, she attended a vocational training program for TV production in Gamleby. During her studies, she completed internships, first as a camera assistant in Los Angeles during the filming of the TV series Boston Public, and later at SVT in Gothenburg, where she worked on projects including the Christmas calendar and the Guldbaggen Awards.

In 2006, Berglin founded the production company A Scarlet Film, focusing on documentary filmmaking. In her films, she explores the universal human themes related to relationships, prejudices, roles, fears, generational differences, ageism, and domestic violence.

In Berglin's 2023 documentary Tantleken (Playing Old), she portraits two sisters over a span of ten years as they navigate aging while confronting assigned roles and family patterns. Here, Berglin investigates societal expectations of what it means to be an old lady and emphasizes the importance of keeping playfulness alive.

Charlotte Berglin also works as a film educator at Kulturskolan and for Alicia Vikanders Filmprogram Filmlab at Gothenburg Filmfestival.


Tantleken / Playing Old

När systrarna Jessica och Rebecca börjar närmar sig sextio inleds undersökandet av åldrandet. Vad innebär det egentligen att bli Tant? Det är något som filmaren Charlotte utforskar under de tio år som dokumenteras. Men det är också en film om syskonkonkurrens, om att behandla livet genom lek och bryta de mönster och roller som en gång tilldelats.

Charlotte Berglins dokumentär Tantleken är ett modigt, ömt och naket porträtt.

En allmängiltig, modig och unik film om syskonkärlek, sorg, rivalitet och vad det innebär att åldras och i att vara människa.

When sisters Jessica and Rebecca approach sixty, they begin to explore the concept of aging. What does it really mean to become a old?

This is something filmmaker Charlotte investigates over the ten years documented. But it is also a film about sibling rivalry, about processing life through play, and breaking the patterns and roles that were once assigned.

Charlotte Berglin's documentary "Tantleken" is a brave, tender, and raw portrait. It is a universal, bold, and unique film about sibling love, grief, rivalry, and what it means to age and to be human.